I am a Resident!

Testimonials from just a few satisfied Residents...

"Growing up I thought I was a nobody. Parents, teachers, even friends - none would encourage me. But then I joined The Residents, where being nobody is a positive asset!"

A Resident

"As an artist my only goal in life has been to express ideas freely. And while I can handle criticism of my work just fine, all too often the reviews targeted me, as if I were the protagonist and not the author. They called me sick, depraved, off balance - all because I revealed the darker side of humanity. But as a Resident that judgment is either directed towards a void, or - and this is the best bit - towards the darkness they now recognize in themselves."

A Resident

"No, I'm not a member of... what did you call it? The Residents? Never heard of it."

A Resident

"Joining The Residents is the best decision I ever made. The freedom given to explore and create is unprecedented in the world of music. I wish more people could find this level of autonomy in their lives."

A Resident

"The Residents are more than a band, more than an art collective. The Residents are a family, one that is always there, for better or for worse, and will bring meaning and purpose into all lives it touches."

A Resident

"Why join? Because Kula Bocca says so!"

A Resident

If you would like to answer the call, then head over to PledgeMusic and declare proudly to the world "I AM A RESIDENT!"